Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Applications Backtrack On Ubuntu

You know Backtrack, Backtrack is a linux distro made ​​for Network Security.
For The hacker would know this.
I know that I backtrack from a video made ​​by jasakom watch.
then think how ya to use backtrack. while i memakain ubuntu.
After googling here and there and I found Quote backtrack applications can be installed diubuntu.

nah bagimana way, sedangankan we do not know what application wrote in backtrack distro.
and many blogs that give tips on how to install backtrack applications. tp list of the applications are not notified. okay go from beginner linux for sharing.

The first open a terminal and type this command:

     $ Sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list

nnt will appear repository of ubuntu
then add the following lines dipaling source that has been opened

     deb http://archive.offensive-security.com pwnsauce main restricted universe multiverse microverse macroverse

added and after the save. keterminal back and type the following command:

     $ Sudo wget-q http://archive.offensive-security.com/backtrack.gpg-O-| sudo apt-key add -

update repository

     $ Sudo apt-get update

okay this way you can install applications backtrack.
how to install the application using commnand:

     $ Sudo apt-get install 0trace

If you're confused what applications are dibacktrack you can see and install all the applications of sypnatic package manager
its way: System - Administration - sypnatic package manager
later will perform all applications from backtrack. kmu can mengistal any application.
okay good luck

This is the SS of Synaptic existing application list backtrack

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